Hosting a service for processing routine task(s) under the background was no a fashion way nowadays. Traditional windows service project was no longer support for .Net core. But you can do a little tricky on it( Or you could adapt below approaches to see if meet your requirement.
Build service from Microsoft native packages
Key point was to reference packages: Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting and System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController. That’s begun with below step:
- Create .Net core console application(Whenever Target Framework: 2.0/2.1/2.2 would be fine).
- Download the packages via NuGet manager: Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting and System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.
- Modify project.csproj with tag: <OutputType>Exe</OutputType>, <RuntimeIdentifier>win7-x64</RuntimeIdentifier>.
- Create class: ServiceBaseLifeTime that inherit ServiceBase(windows base service that control’s service’s life-cycle), IHostLifetime, code sample as below:
public class ServiceBaseLifeTime : ServiceBase, IHostLifetime
private readonly TaskCompletionSource<object> _delayStart;
private IApplicationLifetime ApplicationLifetime { get; }
public ServiceBaseLifeTime(IApplicationLifetime
_delayStart = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
ApplicationLifetime = applicationLifetime ?? throw new
ArgumentNullException(nameof(applicationLifetime)); }
public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Task.CompletedTask;
} public Task WaitForStartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
cancellationToken.Register(() => _delayStart.TrySetCanceled());
ApplicationLifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(Stop);// Otherwise this would block and prevent IHost.StartAsync from finishing.
new Thread(Run).Start();
return _delayStart.Task; }
private void Run()
Run(this); // This blocks until the service is stopped.
InvalidOperationException("Stopped without starting"));
catch (Exception ex)
} }
// Called by base.Run when the service is ready to start.
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
// Called by base.Stop. This may be called multiple times by service Stop, ApplicationStopping, and StopAsync.
// That's OK because StopApplication uses a CancellationTokenSource and prevents any recursion.
protected override void OnStop()
} protected override void OnPause()
{ // Custom action on pause
} protected override void OnContinue()
// Custom action on continue
- Create class: ServiceBaseLiveTimeHostExtension handle service running trigger point. Sample code:
public static class ServiceBaseLiveTimeHostExtension
public static IHostBuilder UseServiceBaseLifetime(this
IHostBuilder hostBuilder)
return hostBuilder.ConfigureServices((hostContext,
services) => services.AddSingleton<IHostLifetime,
} public static Task RunAsServiceAsync(this IHostBuilder
hostBuilder, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
.RunAsync(cancellationToken); }}
- Create your service class, for example XXXService:
public class XXXService : IHostedService, IDisposable
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var text = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd
HH:mm:ss")}, Testing write." + Environment.NewLine; File.WriteAllText(@"D:\Temp\Service.Write.txt", text);
Console.WriteLine($"[{nameof(XXXService)}] has been
return Task.CompletedTask;
} public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Console.WriteLine($"[{nameof(XXXService)}] has been
return Task.CompletedTask;
- Cause we need make the entry main support method **async**, open the project properties, select *Language version:* over C#7.1.
- Added below code snippet into entry main function:
// In program.cs
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Run with console or service
var asService = !(Debugger.IsAttached || args.Contains("--
var builder = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
builder.UseEnvironment(asService ? EnvironmentName.Production :
await builder.RunAsServiceAsync();
await builder.RunConsoleAsync();
- Publish application and get the exe file.
dotnet publish — configuration Release
- Create and register service using sc.exe utility.
sc create XXXService binPath = ‘Path point to your application’s exe’-
- Start the service
sc start XXXService
Build service from Third-party packages: Topself
Steps as below:
- Create console application and install Topself via NuGet manager:
- Inside the entry main method, added below code snippet:
// In program.cs
static void Main(string[] args)
var hostBuilder = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostContext, config) =>
// Configure application configuration here
// ....
.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
// Configure application service here
// ...
}); var host = hostBuilder.Build();
// Begin topshelf configuration
HostFactory.Run(x =>
x.Service<App>(s =>
// We have injected our service already
s.ConstructUsing(() =>
// Action delegate from service start button
s.WhenStarted(service => service.OnStart());
// Action delegate from service stop button
s.WhenStopped(service => service.OnStop());
// Service log on as
.EnableServiceRecovery(rc => rc.RestartService(5));
x.SetServiceName("Your service name.");
x.SetDisplayName("Your service dsiplay name.");
x.SetDescription("Your service description.");
- Publish application and get exe file, for instance: XXXService.exe.
dotnet publish — configuration Release
- Install service
XXXService.exe install [Topshelf command]
- Start service using sc.exe utility.
sc start XXXService (service name) or XXXService.exe start [Topshelf command]
You could choose whatever approaches you like. For me, I would enjoy the simple and powerful service wrapper tool of TopShelf. More functions or introduction please refer to its official website, find it yourself😊.
If you got interested how to build up Windows Service on .Net Core 3, see this link.