How to insert central/global prefix before route path over ASP.NET Core

1 min readAug 1, 2019


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Sometimes we would like to add prefix before route path under different scenario. As example for distinguish WEB API from diverse environment:

https://x.x.x.x/dev_api_v1/getitems?Id=toys0803   // for development
https://x.x.x.x/qas_api_v1/getitems?Id=toys0803 // for qas
https://x.x.x.x/release_api_v1/getitems?Id=toys0803 // for release

We could simply modify each action(s) under relative controller(s).

// ⬇ we could changed route path here
// for instance: [Route("/dev_api_v1/getitems")]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetItems(string Id)
// do some logic and got result ...
// return the Json result
return Json(new { });

You may think that this approach was not convenient and was not easy to integrate with CI/CD process😒.

So the ideal that we would like to inject the central/global prefix before route path. Let’s do a little tricky on it.

First, declare below extension class: MvcOptionExtension.

Second, inside the class Startup.cs, insert below code snippet to enable centralize prefix binding with global route.

Then we could enjoy injection prefix route via the middle-ware and also combine into argument replacement from CI/CD among different environments😃.

The other alternative choice would be set the base path as below, so we could force our whole website with prefix path.




Written by LAI TOCA

Coding for fun. (Either you are running for food or running for being food.)

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